Dominica III Adventus – 12 Dec 2021

In hac Missa adhibetur color violaceus vel rosaceus.

Ant. ad introitum Phil 4, 4-5
Gaudéte in Dómino semper: íterum dico, gaudéte.
Dóminus enim prope est.

Non dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Deus, qui cónspicis pópulum tuum
nativitátis domínicæ festivitátem fidéliter exspectáre,
præsta, quǽsumus,
ut valeámus ad tantæ salútis gáudia perveníre,
et ea votis sollémnibus álacri semper lætítia celebráre.
Per Dóminum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Devotiónis nostræ tibi, Dómine, quǽsumus,
hóstia iúgiter immolétur,
quæ et sacri péragat institúta mystérii
et salutáre tuum nobis poténter operétur.
Per Christum.

Præfatio I vel II de Adventu.

Ant. ad communionem Cf. Is 35, 4
Dícite: Pusillánimes, confortámini et nolíte timére:
ecce Deus noster véniet et salvábit nos.

Post communionem
Tuam, Dómine, cleméntiam implorámus,
ut hæc divína subsídia, a vítiis expiátos,
ad festa ventúra nos prǽparent.
Per Christum.

Adhiberi potest formula benedictionis sollemnis.

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Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Dominica II Adventus – 5 Dec 2021

Ant. ad introitum Cf. Is 30, 19.30
Pópulus Sion, ecce Dóminus véniet ad salvándas gentes;
et audítam fáciet Dóminus glóriam vocis suæ in lætítia
cordis vestri.

Non dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Omnípotens et miséricors Deus,
in tui occúrsum Fílii festinántes
nulla ópera terréni actus impédiant,
sed sapiéntiæ cæléstis erudítio nos fáciat eius esse consórtes.
Qui tecum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Placáre, Dómine, quǽsumus,
nostræ précibus humilitátis et hóstiis,
et, ubi nulla súppetunt suffrágia meritórum,
tuæ nobis indulgéntiæ succúrre præsídiis.
Per Christum.

Præfatio I de Adventu.

Ant. ad communionem Bar 5, 5; 4, 36
Ierúsalem, surge et sta in excélso,
et vide iucunditátem, quæ véniet tibi a Deo tuo.

Post communionem
Repléti cibo spiritális alimóniæ,
súpplices te, Dómine, deprecámur,
ut, huius participatióne mystérii,
dóceas nos terréna sapiénter perpéndere,
et cæléstibus inhærére.
Per Christum.

Adhiberi potest formula benedictionis sollemnis.

© Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Dominica I Adventus – 28 Nov 2021

Ant. ad introitum Cf. Ps 24, 1-3
Ad te levávi ánimam meam,
Deus meus, in te confído, non erubéscam.
Neque irrídeant me inimíci mei,
étenim univérsi qui te exspéctant non confundéntur.

Non dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Da, quǽsumus, omnípotens Deus,
hanc tuis fidélibus voluntátem,
ut, Christo tuo veniénti iustis opéribus occurréntes,
eius déxteræ sociáti, regnum mereántur possidére cæléste.
Per Dóminum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Súscipe, quǽsumus, Dómine, múnera
quæ de tuis offérimus colláta benefíciis,
et, quod nostræ devotióni concédis éffici temporáli,
tuæ nobis fiat prǽmium redemptiónis ætérnæ.
Per Christum.

Præfatio I de Adventu.

Ant. ad communionem Ps 84, 13
Dóminus dabit benignitátem,
et terra nostra dabit fructum suum.

Post communionem
Prosint nobis, quǽsumus, Dómine, frequentáta mystéria,
quibus nos, inter prætereúntia ambulántes,
iam nunc instítuis amáre cæléstia et inhærére mansúris.
Per Christum.

Adhiberi potest formula benedictionis sollemnis.

© Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Gutting the Mystery out of the Mystery

From The Catholic World Report:

1) Ordinary prayers and responses in Latin
2) Tabernacle in the sanctuary
3) Altar rails
4) 3 hour Communion fast
5) Communion kneeling
6) Ad orientem
7) No extraordinary ministers
8) Communion on the tongue
9) Singing the proper antiphons with psalms before hymns
10) Chanting the presidential prayers (Collect, Preface, etc.) and the acclamations
11) Using incense, bells, and beautiful vestments

All can be done within the Ordinary Form.

(List by Father Matt Fish @frmattfish)

French bring back teaching of Latin and ancient Greek to schools

The Times:

France has announced plans to boost the teaching of the classics in schools.
Jean-Michel Blanquer, the education minister, was joined by his counterparts from Italy, Greece and Cyprus in signing a charter pledging a “global and international strategy for the promotion and development of Latin and ancient Greek”.
Blanquer said that Latin and Greek would be introduced in professional lycées, where sixth-formers study vocational courses to train them for jobs in places such as restaurants, factories, beauty parlours and garages.
He said he wanted these pupils to “develop their culture” by reading authors such as Sophocles.
Blanquer said that his aim was to underline and to strengthen Latin and Greek.

Walter Brandmüller: liturgical Nationalism or Universalism?

True comprehensive understanding of the liturgy – and this also applies to reality in absolute terms – is not just an intellectual process. After all, the person is not made up of only reason and will, but also of body and senses. Therefore, if every single text of a liturgy celebrated in a sacred language is not understood – naturally excluding the biblical readings and the homily – in any case the whole event, the singing, the furnishings, the vestments, and the sacred place, whenever they give adequate expression to the celebration, touch the profound dimension of man in a much more direct way than comprehensible words can. Unlike in [past] time, today this is much simpler, since those who attend Mass already know the structure of the rite and the texts that recur in the liturgy, so when they participate in a Latin Mass they know enough about what is going on.

That Latin should be rejected as a liturgical language because it is not understood is therefore not a convincing argument, all the more so in that, despite all the difficulties relative to translation, the liturgy in the vernacular need not be abolished. Except that, as Vatican Council II says, Latin should not be abolished either.

On the other hand, what is the situation of “participatio actuosa,” meaning the active participation of the faithful in the liturgical celebration? The Council prescribes that the faithful must be able to sing or recite their parts in Latin as well. Is this an excessive request? If one thinks about how familiar the words of the texts of the ordinary of the Mass are, it should not be difficult to recognize them behind the Latin words.

At bottom, “participatio actuosa” means much more than merely talking and singing together: it is rather making one’s own, on the part of the Christian who participates in the function, the same intimate disposition of the sacrifice to the Father in which Christ accomplishes his giving of himself to the Father. And this is why the foremost need is for what Johann Michael Sailer has defined as the fundamental language of the Mass.

Under this aspect the Latin missal is also necessary from a practical point of view: the priest who goes to countries whose language he does not know should have the possibility of celebrating Holy Mass there too, without being forced to perform linguistic acrobatics unworthy of a liturgy.

In short: the Roman missal in Latin must be wished present in every church.

Translation taken from here.
Original German text here or here (pages 192-196)

Prima Missa in Louisiana


Fr Thomas Kennedy of the diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana, who was ordained to the priesthood on Saturday, May 22 2021, by Bishop Robert Marshall at the cathedral of Saint Francis Xavier in Alexandria, celebrated his first Solemn Mass the next day at the basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Natchitoches. The Mass was in the Ordinary Form (Novus Ordo), celebrated ad orientem in Latin and English, and you can see from these photos, very much within the spirit of the Catholic liturgical tradition.


Don Thomas Kennedy della diocesi di Alexandria, Louisiana (USA), che è stato ordinato prete sabato 22 maggio 2021 dal vescovo Robert Marshall nella cattedrale di San Francesco Saverio in Alexandria, ha celebrato la sua prima Messa solenne il giorno successivo nella basilica dell’Immacolata Concezione in Natchitoches. La Messa era nella forma Ordinaria (Novus Ordo), celebrata ad orientem in latino e inglese, e come si può vedere da queste immagini, molto nello spirito della tradizione liturgica cattolica.

St Mary’s Catholic Church, Greenville SC

111 Hampton Avenue
Greenville, SC 29601

Since 2008 Mass at Saint Mary’s Church has been celebrated with the priest standing on the same side of the altar as the congregation during the Eucharistic Prayer, a custom not widely seen today in the Catholic Church except for in the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, commonly called the Tridentine Mass. This custom of priest and people standing together on the same side of the altar is called praying towards the East or ad orientem, and at Saint Mary’s even the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite – the Mass of the Second Vatican Council – is celebrated ad orientem. Here’s why.

Dal 2008, la maggior parte delle Messe nella St. Mary’s Church è stata celebrata con il sacerdote in piedi sullo stesso lato dell’altare della congregazione durante la preghiera eucaristica, un’usanza non molto diffusa oggi nella Chiesa Cattolica se non nella celebrazione nella Forma Straordinaria del Rito Romano, detta comunemente Messa Tridentina. Questa usanza del sacerdote in piedi e del popolo che stanno insieme sullo stesso lato dell’altare si chiama pregare verso Oriente o ad orientem, e presso la St. Mary’s Church anche la Forma Ordinaria del Rito Romano – la Messa del Concilio Vaticano II – si celebra ad orientem. Ecco perché.

Dominica I post Pentecosten – Sanctissimæ Trinitatis – 30 Mai 2021


Ant. ad introitum
Benedíctus sit Deus Pater,
unigenitúsque Dei Fílius,
Sanctus quoque Spíritus,
quia fecit nobíscum misericórdiam suam.

Dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Deus Pater, qui, Verbum veritátis
et Spíritum sanctificatiónis mittens in mundum,
admirábile mystérium tuum homínibus declárasti,
da nobis, in confessióne veræ fídei,
ætérnæ glóriam Trinitátis agnóscere,
et Unitátem adoráre in poténtia maiestátis.
Per Dóminum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Sanctífica, quǽsumus, Dómine Deus noster,
per tui nóminis invocatiónem,
hæc múnera nostræ servitútis,
et per ea nosmetípsos tibi pérfice munus ætérnum.
Per Christum.

Præfatio: De mysterio Sanctissimæ Trinitatis.

V. Dóminus vobíscum.
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
V. Sursum corda.
R. Habémus ad Dóminum.
V. Grátias agámus Dómino Deo nostro.
R. Dignum et iustum est.
Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutáre,
nos tibi semper et ubíque grátias ágere:
Dómine, sancte Pater, omnípotens ætérne Deus:
Qui cum Unigénito Fílio tuo et Spíritu Sancto
unus es Deus, unus es Dóminus:
non in uníus singularitáte persónæ,
sed in uníus Trinitáte substántiæ.
Quod enim de tua glória, revelánte te, crédimus,
hoc de Fílio tuo,
hoc de Spíritu Sancto,
sine discretióne sentímus.
Ut, in confessióne veræ sempiternǽque Deitátis,
et in persónis propríetas,
et in esséntia únitas,
et in maiestáte adorétur æquálitas.
Quem laudant Angeli atque Archángeli,
Chérubim quoque ac Séraphim,
qui non cessant clamáre cotídie, una voce dicéntes:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dóminus Deus Sábaoth…

Ant. ad communionem Gal 4,6
Quóniam autem estis fílii,
misit Deus Spíritum Fílii sui in corda vestra
clamántem: Abba, Pater.

Post communionem
Profíciat nobis ad salútem córporis et ánimæ,
Dómine Deus noster, huius sacraménti suscéptio,
et sempitérnæ sanctæ Trinitátis
eiusdémque indivíduæ Unitátis conféssio.
Per Christum.

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Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)