Online Latin Course for Clergy, Religious and Laypeople

Do you wish you had better Latin — to follow the liturgy, or immerse yourself in the theology and history of the Church? Since 2020, small groups have been meeting over Zoom to help individuals do just, with the support of an accomplished ancient linguist.

Now, after “Traditionis Custodes“, the Latin of the Roman Canon has become a particular renewed focus for many people. Therefore a special 3-month route, led by Matthew Spencer (MA MSt Oxon) to better linguistic understanding of this ancient text, which unites the vetus and novus ordo, concluded just before Christmas.

A repeat of the course (further details here) will begin in the last week of February 2022 for a limited number of people.

If you would like to be considered for a place on the next iteration of the course, beginning February 2022, please contact