Celebrating the Novus Ordo as It Ought to Be

Many of those, especially young adults, who frequent the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, celebrated according to the 1962 ritual that stretches back to the Council of Trent, do so, in my opinion, not because they have major issues with the Novus Ordo per se — but because they prefer the general liturgical fidelity and reverence of priests who celebrate the extraordinary form, the conspicuous focus on God, the sacred music, the way Holy Communion is received, the promotion of priestly vocations through the training of altar boys, and several other things still possible, but far less common, in the celebration of the Novus Ordo.

To celebrate the Novus Ordo “as it ought to be” means ensuring always and everywhere that the liturgy conveys a profound sense that one is in God’s presence, facilitates loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and opens us up so that God can transform us by this encounter to love our neighbor as he loves us.

This not only can happen, but does, when the celebration of the Novus Ordo takes place with proper preparation, beauty and reverence.

That’s what every Catholic has a right to. That’s what St. Paul VI intended. That’s what the Church and the world need.

Fr. Roger Landry, Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts, on National Catholic Register.