What Vatican II said—and didn’t say—about the liturgy

December 4, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Today is the 55th anniversary of the promulgation of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, which took place on December 4, 1963. It is a cause for amazement just how much nonsense people have attributed to it, how much harm they have justified by airy appeals to its supposed requirements.

The Council never said that Mass should cease to be in Latin and should only be in the vernacular. The Constitution reaffirmed that the fixed parts of the Mass would continue to be in Latin, the very language of the Roman Rite, but gave permission to vernacularize some parts, such as the readings and the general intercessions (§36; cf. §101). After stating that the people’s language may be used for some parts, the Council added: “Steps should be taken so that the faithful may also be able to say or to sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which pertain to them” (§54). Latin remains, to this day, the official language of the Roman Catholic Church and of her liturgy. It is surprising, to say the least, that the aforementioned desiderata of Vatican II are only rarely achieved.

The Council never said that Gregorian chant should be set aside in favor of new songs. On the contrary, the Council acknowledged Gregorian chant as “specially suited to the Roman liturgy” and deserving “foremost place” (principem locum) in the celebration of Mass, along with the great musical compositions of our heritage (§114–§117). New songs could be added as long as they suited the liturgy—which most of the new songs after the Council didn’t and still don’t.

The Council breathed not a word about the priest “facing the people” over a table. The Council assumed that Mass would continue to be offered at an altar by a priest facing eastwards, so that priest and people were together aligned towards the East, symbol of the Christ who is to come—the universal custom of all liturgical rites, Eastern and Western, from the beginning. In fact, the rubrics of the Missal promulgated by Pope Paul VI presuppose that the priest is facing eastwards.

The Council never dictated that tabernacles be moved from the center of the church, that sanctuaries be “reordered,” or that altar rails be removed. It said nothing about receiving communion in the hand while standing. It assumed that communion under both species would continue to be of rare occurrence among the non-ordained (cf. §55); extraordinary ministers of holy communion are nowhere mentioned. Lastly, the Council did not downplay or discourage traditional practices of piety such as Eucharistic adoration and Marian devotions.

Read full article by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski here.

Ordinary Form Latin Mass Directory – United States & Canada

The LLA’s online Mass directory listed here includes Masses that are Ordinary Form Latin (1970 Missal) or Hybrid (1970 Missal with both Latin and vernacular used in the celebration).

You may continue to send updates for any and all Latin Masses by email to the Latin Liturgy Association president.

Deve a Missa Nova ser celebrada ‘ad orientem’?

Algumas notas sobre a normativa mais recente em matéria de celebração ad orientem e a edificação dos altares.

Note-se que as rúbricas do Missal de Paulo VI pressupõem que o sacerdote esteja ad orientem, e não virado (obrigatoriamente) para o povo. A IGMR concretiza essas rúbricas, que valem ainda hoje, de acordo com a 3.ª edição típica. Nas seguintes partes (a título de exemplo) manda-se que o sacerdote se vire para o povo; a contrario, significa que o sacerdote não estará virado para o povo e, portanto, esteja virado para a abside:
– Na saudação inicial.
– “Orai, irmãos”.
– A seguir à consagração, às palavras “Eis o Cordeiro de Deus”.
– Na comunhão do sacerdote.

João Silveira


Ant. ad introitum Is 61, 10
Gaudens gaudébo in Dómino,
et exsultábit ánima mea in Deo meo;
quia índuit me vestiméntis salútis,
et induménto iustítiæ circúmdedit me,
quasi sponsam ornátam monílibus suis.

Dicitur Glória in excélsis.

Deus, qui per immaculátam Vírginis Conceptiónem
dignum Fílio tuo habitáculum præparásti,
quǽsumus, ut, qui ex morte eiúsdem Fílii tui prævísa,
eam ab omni labe præservásti,
nos quoque mundos, eius intercessióne,
ad te perveníre concédas.
Per Dóminum.

Dicitur Credo.

Super oblata
Salutárem hóstiam,
quam in sollemnitáte immaculátæ Conceptiónis
beátæ Vírginis Maríæ tibi, Dómine, offérimus,
súscipe dignánter, et præsta,
ut, sicut illam tua grátia præveniénte
ab omni labe profitémur immúnem,
ita, eius intercessióne, a culpis ómnibus liberémur.
Per Christum.

Præfatio: De mysterio Mariæ et Ecclesiæ.

Ant. ad communionem
Gloriósa dicta sunt de te, María,
quia ex te ortus est sol iustítiæ,
Christus Deus noster.

Post communionem
Sacraménta quæ súmpsimus,
Dómine Deus noster,
illíus in nobis culpæ vúlnera réparent,
a qua immaculátam beátæ Maríæ Conceptiónem
singuláriter præservásti.
Per Christum.

Adhiberi potest formula benedictionis sollemnis.

© Copyright – Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Messalino in PDF con letture in lingua italiana (da stampare su fogli A3 fronte/retro)

Missalette in PDF with readings in English (to be printed on A3 sheets, front/back)

Salirò all’altare di Dio

Dalla quarta di copertina:

“La materia è incandescente: perché tratta di quanto Dio ha consegnato di più prezioso agli uomini per essere adorato, ma anche perché gli uomini, certi uomini, hanno fatto della sacra Liturgia un terreno di scontro tentando di costruirla a propria immagine somiglianza. Senza polemiche, ma con chiarezza e senza fare sconti, don Marino Neri, ricercatore dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia e Segretario del Sodalizio Amicizia Sacerdotale Summorum Pontificum, conduce il lettore per mano dalla sacra fonte da cui sgorga il culto divino fino al suo tradizionale sviluppo giunto fino ai grandi pontificati di San Pio X e Pio XII, prima della riforma postconciliare. Un racconto condotto con la perizia dello studioso, la passione del cultore e, soprattutto, la devozione del sacerdote che diventa strumento di formazione e di elevazione spirituale: per chi assiste alla Messa, ma anche per chi la celebra”.

Un libro da leggere e rileggere! Si può acquistare qui.

Contributions welcome

If you want to publish on this site, even anonymously, your thoughts on some topics discussed here, send them to us! They will help to reinforce the motivations of those who wish to celebrate the Holy Mass according to the true intentions of the Second Vatican Council.

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Se volete pubblicare su questo sito, anche in forma anonima, le vostre riflessioni su alcuni temi qui trattati, inviatecele! Contribuiranno a rafforzare le motivazioni di chi desidera celebrare la santa Messa secondo le vere intenzioni del Concilio Vaticano II.